Bye Bye Mommy!
Those were the words that came out of Will's mouth this morning when I took him to school. Today was much different than Tuesday! He marched right in that classroom and turned to me and said "bye bye, mommy!" It was such an adorable moment that i will freeze forever. It was a wonderful feeling to know that he wanted to be there for those three hours, and that he didn't mind me leaving him. My sweet boy knows I will always come back! Nina picked him up from school today, because I had a dentist appointment, and she said he actually fussed and didn't want to leave!! He was such a big boy today and I am so very proud of him! I can't believe what a "little man" he is becoming. Another new thing he is doing is taking off his diaper immediately after he uses the bathroom...and when I say that I mean both kinds! He is obviously trying to tell me that he is ready to use the big boy potty full time! Twice now he has taken his diaper off before he needs to go potty and gone on the floor!! What is he thinking??? Sometimes I think he thinks that he is a dog. He will also get on all fours and eat and drink like a dog! He is such a boy!!! What an wonderful adventure this is!!!
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