Baby Fix!
On my one full day home in between the horse show, I had to go get my baby fix! I took Will to Nana's and went to see Haley and sweet Emory Anne! Caroline came too, so it was fun to catch up with her and Haley! This was the first time I have seen her since she was a day old, so I was excited to see how much she has changed and grown! Emory Anne is so beautiful and such a sweet little angel! I had so much fun holding her and seeing her sweet baby faces! It is truly amazing how holding a little baby can make all the troubles in the world disapear! Haley also looks amazing! After I had Will, people would tell me that I glowed and how good motherhood must be for me. I would always say "okay, whatever, they are just trying to make me feel better!" But now I know what they meant...Haley is glowing and has never looked more beautiful!! Thanks for letting me visit and I can't wait to come again soon!
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