As I often do, I have thought a lot lately of the past year and where we have been. It has been a year since we lost the baby and it is still something I think of on a daily basis. Although the pain is not nearly as sharp and raw, it is still something I continue to feel. I can remember this time last year and thinking that time will never pass and I will never be the same. Well, time has proven to heal and Will has continued to show me what a gift everyday we have together is and what joys it brings. With the passing of Mother's Day, I truly know that I am blessed to have Will and I am so thankful for him. I love my sweet boy more than I ever imagined possible and thank God for him everyday! I know God has a plan and we are now just praying that in his plan is another baby for all of us to love!
Leslie, I have never felt the pain and emotion that comes with losing a baby, but I can only imagine what it is like. I feel so blessed that we have gotten pregnant so easily, but it does make my heart break knowing there are so many people out there who have a difficult time. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and I too hope that God will bless you with another baby soon!
Leslie...I know just how you feel. My husband tries to remind me every day how lucky we are to have one already, but I'm just not at that calm place yet. :-)But you're right - it certainly makes you appreciate what you have.
I'm praying for you have another baby for all of us to love too.
You will when the time is right.M
I love having two, and soonz11 you also will. I can say I miss that feeling of having one child. I look back at pictures with Charlie as a baby and how slow life was and I feel that I don't get to experience that with Camden. Her life seems to be half lived in the car seat (because of Charlie's schedule) and Charlie's has had to grow up overnight. No matter how much you try to slow down, life goes by twice as fast with two. Anyway enjoy Will, and only Will until that time comes. When the time does come, you will love watching your two chldren together and the older Will is, the more help he will be. Until then just try to remind yourself how lucky you are...the cup is always half full not empty. Fortunatly, your cup is full with Will, when the second comes it will overflow! Hang in there! I'm thinking about you.
"Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius." We all pray for you daily. There is a may not have received the manual, but there is one & it is beyond your comprehension or dreams...always believe...I love you, K
Leslie...I know all to well what you are going through...I still think of the two I lost and although time does help, for me it has not healed..I think of how old they would be today, what what they look like, etc... However...I trust that for whatever reason God had a different plan for me..Maybe it was to "mother" everyone elses children, or continue to wait out this whole adoption mess for the child he has chosen for me.
Will is such a cutie and I know your heart aches for a sibling for him..
I don't think you will ever stop remembering the baby you lost, but the happiness of being a Mommy to Will can certainly help ease the painful part of those memories.
Mother's Day is bittersweet for me, Of course I love my Mother, and Grandmother,but there is no way I can go to church that day when they ask all of the Mothers to stand... I just can't deal with it.
I am sorry for your loss and pray you have happy news very soon.
No words, quotes or insite can I offer to ease your heartache. I know that being a mother is the greatest gift in the world and I believe that you being the great mother that you are, are due another gift soon. I'm praying for all of you. Love and blessings...Charleston
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